Monday, January 3, 2011

The Future Is The Present

So this is the New Year and I don't feel any different - Death Cab for Cutie

Here we are, 2011. Every new year I make resolutions of a new me and every new year I fail at whatever goals I have set. This year is much the same, however, this year I have an answer to failure: support. So many times I fail or give up because I'm in it alone, but 2011 is different. I have found the support and accountability that I've needed to succeed in multiple aspects of my life.

This year, I desire to know my Jesus more. The Lord has placed some amazing people in my life that hold me accountable and encourage me which is definitely something I had been lacking. It doesn't make life perfect or easy, but it is a blessing. I am in a Bible study group with some truly awesome women who love Jesus which encourages me to dig deeper every day. I know that God is continually working in my life and changing my heart. My prayer for this year is that if I am to fail at everything else, let me succeed in this area of my life.

The second big resolution is one you may have heard from me before. It is time to get healthy and in shape, that means shedding some pounds. I know I have to be serious about this because the older I get, the harder it is to drop the weight. Thankfully I am not flying solo on this mission. Along for the ride are a few friends with the same goal, but who also need some encouragement and accountability in their quest. There isn't much to say about this other than I AM COMMITTED.

Some of my other resolutions this year will most likely be covered in future posts, but here is a small list: read more, write more, complain less. Now that you know my resolutions, feel free to hold me accountable. What do you want in this New Year?


  1. this is awesome! you are so right--fellowship and accountability are so necessary, especially in our walk with the Lord. I love the fellowship to be had in the body of Christ. i am encouraged that you have found fellowship and blessing in it! <3 happy new year!

  2. Hey Jamie... great post and sooo true. We all need that accountability and encouragment. I think we all hate our failures but the blessing in it all is that the Lord is patient and He LOVES us inspite of ourselves. Love You!

    Anne @

  3. accountability is key.
    Good goals, Jamie.
